Patrol Hours Required to Compete

All members who wish to compete at any SLSA competition must be registered, financial and currently proficient in SRC or Bronze Medallion.
To compete at the Victorian or Australian Championships all competitors who have gained or requalified their SRC or Bronze Medallion in any prior season must have requalified their award for the current season AND completed a minimum of 16 hours of patrol before the 1st January the year preceding the Victorian or Australian Championships.
To check how many patrol hours you have, go to your Members Area account.
Members gaining a new award, either SRC or Bronze Medallion from 1st October in the year preceding the Victorian or Australian Championships need a minimum of 4 hours of patrol before the 1st January the year preceding the Victorian or Australian Championships.
Once you have gained either the SRC or Bronze Medallion, you have that award for life. This means members holding an SRC who gain their Bronze Medallion or members who have not requalified an award, either SRC or Bronze Medallion, for a number of years must complete 16 hours of patrol before the 31st December the year preceding the Victorian or Australian Championships.
Patrol hours shall be calculated on the following personal patrol hours completed by the competitor, providing they are documented in the Patrol Log:
  • Rostered
  • Substituted for other members (credited to the member doing the patrol NOT the member for whom the substitution is being done)
  • Voluntary patrols
  • Water Safety for Junior Activities (each hour of Water Safety equals half an hour of patrol hours to a maximum of 50% of required total)
  • Specialist services, e.g. helicopter, jet boats, radio commands
  • Penalty patrol hours are NOT used for credit to the competitor
Competitors wishing to apply for Active Reserve must do so in writing each year to the Lifesaving Services Manager. Each application will be reviewed by the Board. You will still require 16 hours of patrol if you intend to compete at Victorian or Australian Championships.